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"Dodge the Ordinary in Fort Dodge!"

Fort Dodge Public Library Art

Fort Dodge Public Library


424 Central Avenue

To reserve a room:

The Fort Dodge Public Library offers more than just book borrowing services. Among the library's services are community outreach resources, research tools, internet access, community events for all ages, meeting room reservations, and more.

The art installations at the library, nine pieces collectively known as the Riversong Anthology, were created by Minnesotan artist Harriet Bart. These elements include:

  • Gold-leafed Brick- above the doors of the library, this represents the entryway to a world of discovery and learning.
  • Brass Talisman- (in repairs as of October 2022) represents the brass ring of success and good luck.
  • Speaker's Staff- the handle of a scythe, representing Fort Dodge's long agricultural history.
  • Etched Glass- on the doors of the library, represents the Des Moines River's trail through Fort Dodge.
  • Book Column- represents the culture and information available in the library.
  • Soapbox- represents free speech.
  • Bronze Owl- perched on top of the Book Column, this represents wisdom and one of the ways to gain it.
  • Visual Poem- This comprises two elements. One, "riverrunprairieseafrontierskywindsong", represents how citizens of Webster County describe the land. The second, "remember", is located on a pillar facing the doors of the library to be a reminder as people leave.

The library is also one of the locations chosen by the Fort Dodge Fine Arts Association to house a Painted Piano, placed just inside the exterior doors.

Business Hours

Mon - Tue
Wed - Fri
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