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"Dodge the Ordinary in Fort Dodge!"

Webster County Freedom Rock

(515) 573-4282

Southeast corner of A Street and the Karl King Bridge (2nd Avenue South)

The Webster County Freedom Rock, completed in 2016, is a piece of art honoring our veterans, servicemen, and women. Artist Ray "Bubba" Sorenson II painted patriotic scenes on this 25,000-pound boulder. Webster County's Freedom Rock depicts local servicemen Captain Darrell Lindsey, pilot Willis Moeller and Fort Dodge Dragoon, Dr. Bill Ryan. For more information on the Freedom Rock Project, visit

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  • 1. What's in the design?

    A: The Webster County Freedom Rock is dedicated to those who have PTSD and the daily battles returning military members face. The artwork depicts a nurse with a soldier struggling with battle memories. Below is the soldier later in life without help or a homeless Vietnam veteran. He is clutching his remaining possessions, his service medals.

  • 2. Who is wearing the Captain's uniform?

    A: Darrell Lindsey, an FD graduate, received the Medal of Honor after leading a B-26 bomber formation to destroy a bridge over the Seine in 1944. After a direct hit, his engine burst into flames, but he continued to his target. His crew parachuted from the aircraft, but before Lindsey could follow, the gasoline tank exploded, the plane went into a dive and crashed.

  • 3. Who's wearing the aviator cap?

    A: The pilot is Willis Moeller, a Fort Dodge resident who was born on April 19, 1922. He went overseas with a fighter pilot replacement group in Nov 1944. In 1945 he was assigned to the USS Hancock in the South Pacific. Willie earned the Distinguished Flying Cross as a result of rescuing a downed pilot during the battle of Kagoshima Bay.

  • 4. Who's in the cavalry uniform?

    A: The 1st U. S. Dragoons, the country's first mounted infantry, marched in 1835 to scout Iowa after the Black Hawk Purchase of 1832. The march led to the establishment of an outpost in present-day Fort Dodge. Depicted is Dr. Bill Ryan, who led a community service group named after the Dragoons, which support the Fort Museum.

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